Wednesday, September 21, 2011

i spent the night in brandon manitoba. bad, i stayed in a motel called the redwood, something like that, and at first thought that a motel selling beer at the front counter must be my kind of place. the smell of mould that i got soon as i entered my room told me otherwise. the place was dank, but the six pack i picked up was cold and helped me get over the smell.

these pictures were taken on the detour route i took driving from wapella SK. to weyburn SK.

top) the simple repetative geometry of grain silos and other agricultural equipment is something i have noticed. not like there is much else to look at, but it does kind of have a nice simple composition to it. lonely structures in the middle of a flat field probably have a ton to say since they haven't had anything to talk to for a while.

second from top) so it is pretty flat in the prairies. this is a field that fortunately was not flooded this year, and was able to be seeded. a ton of other fields, south of where this picture was taken, were not as fortunate and were not seeded. it is a harsh thing when your lively hood depends on it.

second from bottom) no hunting. darn. i ain't in northern manitoba no more.

bottom) my new best friends. they come over every friday. they make a mess, but they're good company.

the farmers out here must shit themselves where they see an ontario license platted goofball taking pictures of cows.

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